Известный hosties-плагин для jail серверов на SourceMod. Намного удобнее и проще, чем версия для Es. Есть русский язык. Также есть звуки, которые вы можете заменить на свои
Требуется: - SourceMod 1.3.6+ - SDKHooks
Установка: 1. Распакуйте архив к себе на сервер 2. Перезапустите сервер
// Enable or disable automatic adding of SM_Hosties in sv_tags (visible from the server browser in CS:S): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_add_servertag "1"
// Enable or disable announcements when a CT attacks a non-rebelling T: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_announce_attack "1"
// Enable or disable chat announcements when Last Requests starts to be available: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_announce_lr "1"
// Enable or disable chat announcements to tell that last request delaying is activated and how long the delay is: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_announce_lr_delay "1"
// Enable or disable chat announcements when a terrorist becomes a rebel: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_announce_rebel "1"
// Enable or disable chat announcements when a rebel is killed: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_announce_rebel_down "1"
// Enable or disable rule announcements in the beginning of every round ('please follow the rules listed in !rules'): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_announce_rules "1"
// Enable or disable an announcement telling that a non-rebelling T has a weapon when he gets attacked by a CT (also requires sm_hosties_announce_attack 1): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_announce_wpn_attack "0"
// Enable or disable the !checkplayers command: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_checkplayers_enable "1"
// Items given to CTs on spawn: empty - knife only, items separated by commas - item names (max // - // Default: "weapon_deagle,weapon_m4a1" sm_hosties_ct_start "weapon_deagle,weapon_m4a1"
// The length of an automated freekill ban (if sm_hosties_freekill_punishment is 2): x - ban length in minutes // - // Default: "60" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_hosties_freekill_ban_length "60"
// Whether to notify CTs who kills a non-rebelling T about how many 'freekills' they have, or not: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_freekill_notify "0"
// The punishment to give to a CT who overrides the treshold: 0 - slay, 1 - kick, 2 - ban // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_freekill_punishment "0"
// When to reset the 'freekill counter' for all CTs: 0 - on round start, 1 - on map end // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_freekill_reset "0"
// What sound to play if a non-rebelling T gets 'freekilled', relative to the sound-folder: -1 - disable, path - path to sound file (set downloading and precaching in addons/sourcemod/configs/hosties_sounddownloads.ini) // - // Default: "sm_hosties/freekill1.mp3" sm_hosties_freekill_sound "sm_hosties/freekill1.mp3"
// When to play the 'freekill sound': 0 - on freeATTACK, 1 - on freeKILL // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_freekill_sound_mode "1"
// The amount of non-rebelling terrorists a CT is allowed to kill before action is taken: 0 - disabled, >0 - amount of Ts // - // Default: "5" sm_hosties_freekill_treshold "5"
// Enable or disable Last Requests (the !lr command): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr "1"
// Beacon players on LR or not: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_beacon "1"
// The interval in seconds of which the beacon 'beeps' on LR // - // Default: "1.0" // Minimum: "0.100000" // Maximum: "3.000000" sm_hosties_lr_beacon_interval "1.0"
// What to do with a chicken fighter who attacks the other player with another weapon than knife: 0 - abort LR, 1 - slay player // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_cf_cheat_action "1"
// What color to turn the loser of a chicken fight into (rgB): x - blue value // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_lr_cf_loser_blue "0"
// What color to turn the loser of a chicken fight into (rGb): x - green value // - // Default: "255" sm_hosties_lr_cf_loser_green "255"
// What color to turn the loser of a chicken fight into (only if sm_hosties_lr_cf_slay == 0, set R, G and B values to 255 to disable) (Rgb): x - red value // - // Default: "255" sm_hosties_lr_cf_loser_red "255"
// Slay the loser of a Chicken Fight instantly? 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_cf_slay "1"
// Enable health-checker in LR Dodgeball to prevent contestant cheating (healing themselves): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_db_cheatcheck "1"
// The amount of time after a thrown flash before a new flash is given to a contestant: float value - delay in seconds // - // Default: "1.4" // Minimum: "0.700000" // Maximum: "6.000000" sm_hosties_lr_db_flash_duration "1.4"
// What gravity multiplier the dodgeball contestants will get: <1.0 - less/lower, >1.0 - more/higher // - // Default: "0.6" // Minimum: "0.100000" // Maximum: "2.000000" sm_hosties_lr_db_gravity "0.6"
// Delay in seconds before a last request can be started: 0.0 - instantly, >0.0 - (float value) delay in seconds // - // Default: "0.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" sm_hosties_lr_enable_delay "0.0"
// Deagle marking (requires sm_hosties_lr_gt_mode 1): 0 - markers straight up where the deagles land, 1 - markers starting where the deagle was dropped ending at the deagle landing point // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_lr_gt_markers "0"
// How Gun Toss will be played: 0 - no double-dropping checking, deagle gets 7 ammo at start, 1 - double dropping check, deagle gets 7 ammo on drop, colouring of deagles, deagle markers // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_gt_mode "1"
// What to do with a hot potato contestant who attacks the other player: 0 - abort LR, 1 - slay player // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_hp_cheat_action "1"
// Enable LR Hot Potato: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_hp_enable "1"
// Maximum time in seconds the Hot Potato contest will last for (time is randomized): float value - time // - // Default: "20.0" // Minimum: "8.000000" // Maximum: "120.000000" sm_hosties_lr_hp_maxtime "20.0"
// Minimum time in seconds the Hot Potato contest will last for (time is randomized): float value - time // - // Default: "10.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "45.000000" sm_hosties_lr_hp_mintime "10.0"
// Enable announcement when a Hot Potato contestant picks up the hot potato: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_hp_pickupannounce "1"
// What speed multiplier a hot potato contestant who has the deagle is gonna get: <1.0 - slower, >1.0 - faster // - // Default: "1.15" // Minimum: "0.800000" // Maximum: "3.000000" sm_hosties_lr_hp_speed_multipl "1.15"
// Teleport CT to T on hot potato contest start: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_hp_teleport "1"
// What to do with a knife fighter who attacks the other player with another weapon than knife: 0 - abort LR, 1 - slay player // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_kf_cheat_action "1"
// Delay in seconds before a No Scope Battle begins (to prepare the contestants...): float value - delay in seconds // - // Default: "2.0" // Minimum: "0.500000" // Maximum: "8.000000" sm_hosties_lr_ns_delay "2.0"
// Enable LR No Scope Battle: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_ns_enable "1"
// Weapon to use in a No Scope Battle: 0 - awp, 1 - scout, 2 - let the terrorist choose // - // Default: "2" sm_hosties_lr_ns_weapon "2"
// What to do when a LR-player gets killed by a player not in LR during LR: 0 - just abort LR, 1 - abort LR and slay the attacker // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_lr_p_killed_action "0"
// LR-mode for rebelling terrorists: 0 - Rebelling Ts can never have a LR, 1 - Rebelling Ts must let the CT decide if a LR is OK, 2 - Rebelling Ts can have a LR just like other Ts // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_rebel_mode "1"
// Enable LR Rock Paper Scissors: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_rps_enable "1"
// What to do with someone who fires 2 shots in a row in Shot4Shot: 0 - nothing (ignore completely), 1 - abort the LR, 2 - slay the player who fired 2 shots in a row // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_s4s_dblsht_action "1"
// Enable announcements in Shot4Shot when a contestant has taken his shot: 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_lr_s4s_shot_taken "1"
// What sound to play when LR gets available, relative to the sound-folder (also requires sm_hosties_announce_lr to be 1): -1 - disable, path - path to sound file (set downloading and precaching in addons/sourcemod/configs/hosties_sounddownloads.ini) // - // Default: "sm_hosties/lr1.mp3" sm_hosties_lr_sound "sm_hosties/lr1.mp3"
// The maximum number of terrorists left to enable LR: 0 - LR is always enabled, >0 - maximum number of Ts // - // Default: "2" sm_hosties_lr_ts_max "2"
// Setting for muting terrorists automatically: 0 - disable, 1 - terrorists are muted the first 30 seconds of a round, 2 - terrorists are muted when they die, 3 - both // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_mute "0"
// Setting for muting counter-terrorists automatically when they die (requires sm_hosties_mute 2 or 3): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_mute_ct "0"
// Admin flag which is immune from getting muted: 0 - nobody, 1 - all admins, immunity flag - valid values (case-sensitive): reservation,generic,kick,ban,unban,slay,chang emap,convars,config,chat,vote,password,rcon,c heats,root,custom1,custom2, (...) // - // Default: "root" sm_hosties_mute_immune "root"
// Enable or disable integrated removing of player vs player collisions (noblock): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_noblock_enable "0"
// What sound to play when a No Scope Battle starts, relative to the sound-folder: -1 - disable, path - path to sound file (set downloading and precaching in addons/sourcemod/configs/hosties_sounddownloads.ini) // - // Default: "sm_hosties/noscopestart1.mp3" sm_hosties_noscope_sound "sm_hosties/noscopestart1.mp3"
// Enable or disable an override of the game description (standard Counter-Strike: Source, override to Hosties/jailbreak): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_override_gamedesc "1"
// What color to turn a rebel into (rgB): x - blue value // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_rebel_blue "0"
// What color to turn a rebel into (rGb): x - green value // - // Default: "0" sm_hosties_rebel_green "0"
// What color to turn a rebel into (set R, G and B values to 255 to disable) (Rgb): x - red value // - // Default: "255" sm_hosties_rebel_red "255"
// What overlay to display if CTs win, relative to the materials-folder: path - path to overlay material without file extension (set downloading and precaching in addons/sourcemod/configs/hosties_decaldownloads.ini) // - // Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisonguards_win" sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_ct "overlays/sm_hosties/prisonguards_win"
// What overlay to display if Ts win, relative to the materials-folder: path - path to overlay material without file extension (set downloading and precaching in addons/sourcemod/configs/hosties_decaldownloads.ini) // - // Default: "overlays/sm_hosties/prisoners_win" sm_hosties_roundend_overlay_t "overlays/sm_hosties/prisoners_win"
// If sm_hosties_mute is 1 or 3, how many seconds the roundstart mute will last: float value - time in seconds // - // Default: "30.0" // Minimum: "3.000000" // Maximum: "90.000000" sm_hosties_roundstart_mute "30.0"
// Enable or disable rules showing up at !rules command (if you need to disable the command registration on plugin startup, add a file in your sourcemod/configs/ named hosties_rulesdisable.ini with any content): 0 - disable, 1 - enable // - // Default: "1" sm_hosties_rules_enable "1"
// Items given to Ts on spawn: empty - knife only, items separated by commas - item names (max // - // Default: "" sm_hosties_t_start ""